Monday, March 31, 2014

Le pain d'épices de reim by: S

Le pain d'épices de reim 

In english "spice bread",according to wikipedia "it is sometimes loosely translated as ginger bread. Again,the husband came home with baking ingredients,he said he'll bake a french bread which is his favorite childhood food when they used to live in the french speaking part of switzerland,in Moudon.

It looks easy to bake,it took him maybe 15min. or less to do all the work then 1hr in the oven.On the photo above it's wrapped to keep the moist of the bread.

The 4-spice 


450g Chestnut honey, dark, liquid 

25 cl of milk, lukewarm

100g butter, melted

150 White flour

300g full corn flour

1 Tbs. Bicarbonated baking powder

30g brown sugar

1 Egg

1 pinch of salt

 2 Tbs.olive oil

1/2 Teaspoon cinnamon

       Fresh Muscat (freshly grated)

       Ginger Powder

       Cloves Powder

       Anise, ground

Butter for the form.


Mix all the ingredients into a dough, pour into a greased Loaf pan 170 ° C bake for about 45 minutes and wrap overnight to keep the moist.That's it! So easy right?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Red velvet cupcake by:R

One lazy rainy sunday ,we were all at home and i thought of trying to bake red velvet cake for the first time,good thing i had all the ingredients at home but not enough for a cake so i just did cupcakes.


3 large egg whites

red food coloring- paste form (that i bought in

1 half tsp.vanilla extract

200 g flour

200 g sugar

3 tsp. baking powder

2 tsp cocoa powder ( we just have nesquick available and it was fine)

1/2 Teaspoon salt

55 g butter

120 g butter milk

For the frosting:

270 g cream cheese, (cream cheese) 19° c.

100 ml. Double creme

200g. Mascarpone cream cheese 

1 cup confectioners sugar


Before you begin:

Set out muffin dish and Preheat oven to 175 ° c..

Dough preparation:

In a mixing bowl, mix butter at medium speed ,put the flour mixture  ( sifted flour,cocoa powder and salt) then put buttermilk and stir on medium level until everything is moistened then put the egg mixture slowly (egg, red food color and vanilla extract)

mix baking powder to 1 tsp. vinegar  together and mix it with your finish dough and about 2/3 dough, fill each muffin cups quick and bake 20-25 minutes,let it cool 10 minutes on a wire rack.

Cream cheese frosting:

Mix The mascarpone cream cheese and the normal cream cheese together until smooth.Then put the double cream and confectioners sugar and cool it in the fridge.

Decorate the Cupcakes with the frosting using pastry bag or pallet.

I use one extra cupcake as a topping using cheese grater.

It was quick and simple recipe,i don't usually follow what is written online because of too much extra ingredients and difficult procedures. I just bake the way i want it to be,though it's really important to follow the exact ingredients,i'm just making sure that everything is balance to have that delicious taste and texture.

Apple streusel Cake by:S

In german: Apfelstreuselkuchen 

My husband baked the cake last night ( i was so jealous coz he baked it like a boss, no effort at all!  ;D )

His recipe is so easy,he prepared everything just in 20min.



4 big apples, diced

For the dough:

250 g flour

125 g margarine or butter

100 g sugar

2 tsp baking powder

1 Egg

1 pck. Vanilla sugar

Margarine or butter for the form.

For the streusel:

200 g flour

100 g margarine or butter

100 g sugar

1 pck. Vanilla sugar



Peel the apples, dice and saute briefly.

Mix the ingredients for the dough. Give the dough in a greased springform pan. Press it lightly. Give the stewed apples on it.

The ingredients for the streusel mix and briefly knead with your fingers until they have become to sprinkles then put it on the dough and the apples. Bake at 175 degrees about 70 minutes.

Super delicious! 

Perfect for my tea afternoon and perfect partner with green tea.